
Global Registrar is an international register of organisations and personnel achieving management systems certification and related qualifications. The register is free to view and listing is controlled via stringent quality assurance procedures.

The global register was set up in order to provide a ready reference for organisations that have achieved a recognisable certification or quality assurance registration with a credible third party assessment body.

Global Registrar facilitated by a group of experienced quality professionals that is keen to promote the best practices in the quality assurance discipline. It is independent and free of government and political control.

The register is necessary because standards for products and management systems and standards and guides for their assessment, certification and accreditation have proliferated in the last two to three decades. It has resulted in an increase in quality assurance awareness in many quarters and the Global Registrar database is designed so as to become a single source reference point for discerning enquirers regarding quality assurance certificates and qualifications.


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